Saturday, October 29, 2011

perfect date

My collage is based on two of my favorite people Elvira queen of the dark and Glenn Danzing from the Misfits on their first date. Glenn brought her roses. And Elvira is smitten with his nice hot rod and his good looks. Pumpkins and bats add to their spooky but romantic first date. Its halloween and theres a full moon, no one knows whats to come.


  1. Great job! The collage does narrate the story well, I was able to tell they were in a "perfect date" right away! Plus I love the sense of humor!

  2. I'm sorry,but i totally disagree with you. I think that it’s not good when students come to the collage or they doing these types of stupid things. In my personal think first students finish their education and after they can do everything whatever they want.

  3. There's not really much to disagree with because
    You've gotten collage & college confused. Before you comment on my work please make sure you know what you're talking about before calling my work stupid.

  4. I like this collage it seems like you have a fun side to you and its express through the collage
